Flow DOT

'In a process based philosophy, physical properties, particles, and fields do not have intrinsic being. Rather, they are a process of becoming. Hence, motion, not property, is fundamental. There is no “thing” moving. There is simply moving. Quantum physics contrasts to classical in just this way because nothing is truly separable into distinct entities. Particles are only relatively stable aspects of the underlying structure. Thus, there is no such thing as an external cause to an event. Rather, all events are simply modes of a single structure dynamically reconfiguring itself...It is the nature of that flux that determines what emerges.'

-- David Bohm

Flow DOT is a research that initiates a dialogue between choreography, philosophy and physics. Through the automatistic writing of the body in space and time, repetitive movements lead to transformation. Flow, means the ongoing flux of the repetitive movements and DOT, is the momentarily emergent events, or forms. We use improvisation and movement composition, nature observation and digital editing to test the process of emergence:

of movements,

of dance,

of choreography,

of body,

of life.  

Residency Touring

10.12 - 17.12.22

Tanz-Station, Barmer Bahnhof

Wuppertal, DE

Funded by

15.01 - 05.02.24

Projektraumkunst Busch 8

Nettetal, DE

Funded by

01.04 - 15.04.24

CN D and Le Cap Arts Center

Lyon, FR

Supported by the CND Centre national de la danse

Adr. Werdener Strasse 142, 42549 Velbert, DE

E-Mail info@yibu.dance

Legal Representative Chun Zhang

VAT Number DE321713964